Monday, November 11, 2013

Through the Eyes of a Student Teacher

Teaching. Teachers. Education. All these topics are coming under the lens as common core standards and teacher evaluations and more come into the schools. It's easy to say one thing or another about the benefits and negatives of all the different school reforms. I see students who have yet to really enter the classroom have all these opinions and ideas about what is happening inside the classroom, and I used to be with them before I started being in the classroom all the time.

Teacher evaluations are happening, the students are experiencing more testing, and common core is now a requirement, but it isn't necessairly affecting the students as much as we might think. Forenote: I am writing from my personal experience in my classroom. Other classrooms around the city may be experiencing different things.

The most impactful current change happening inside the classrooms is the implementation of the Common Core Standards. These standards are being implemented all around the US. These standards are different from previous standards because they state the goals that the students must be able to accomplish, but it doesn't state how it needs to be done. There currently isn't a set curriculum for how teachers must teach these standards and as long as teachers are reaching these standards and are showing that their students are meeting these standards. It is difficult for teachers this year because they may be formatting their lessons to fit this standards, but if they already had lessons planned, they just need to correspond their lessons to the standards. These standards will be good as long as the districts don't force teachers to implement a specific curriculum that is completely cookie cutter, and doesn't allow for differentiation within the classroom. After this year, teachers who have now implemented common core should be able to continue teaching well as long as there isn't a curriculum that gets shoved onto them.

What has been really upsetting lots of teachers is the new teacher evaluations, which should be happening, but not the way that has been implemented. Teachers should know what  they are doing well and what they need to improve, but they definitely shouldn't be punished for not being effective on some aspect. Teachers a self-motivated already that if they are told they need to work on something, they will work on it without needing to set up a contract with the district on how they plan to improve. My teacher did well on her first evaluation but she is always nervous about how well she'll do on her evaluation. Teachers aren't upset that they are geting evaluated, they are upset that if there is something they need to improve on, they are getting punished for not being completely effective on every aspect of their teaching. They end up on a contract, even if they are not effective on just one aspect. That's ridiculuous. It would be most nerve wracking for first time teachers who are  learning how to manage their own classroom and are learning what works and what doesn't work. They will be spending many years perfecting and learning the best ways to be the most effective teacher they can be. So it doesn't make sense to punish them for not immediately being effective. It's something that they are still learning.

The last thing I've seen in the classrooms that has also been recently implemented in the additional testing that the students have had to do. I am in a first grade class, so they had to recently take the PIA. This fairly short assessment (only 3 questions long) focused on different math standards. Some of the questions seemed unreasonable to what the standards asked, but it also showed the teachers which concepts students needed to work on. The teachers then took the problem that was most difficult and taught that concept again. Giving the tests did take away from some teaching time, but not any more time than a school assembly or other thing that has happened in the classroom before. I don't love that students are spending more time taking tests, but if these tests can provide instant feedback to teachers about what their students need to work on, then it can be more beneficial.

Being the classroom clears up a lot of conceptions that pre-pre-service teachers may have as well conceptions that the media provides to the public. There will always be changes to the education system, and teachers will always be learning how to adjust. When you chose to be a teacher, you chose to be in an ever changing system. We haven't found a perfect system yet, and there is always going to be things we don't love, but we need to remember that these changes do not define what we do as teachers. Teachers do so much more, and can do so much more despite all these changes.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Creations: Picture Frame Ring Holder

My fabulous roommate recently got engaged (May 24!), and her engagement ring is amazing! It was handed down to her so the rock is big and it is all together sparkly and beautiful and just what a girl would like her engagement ring to be! Because that ring is so big, I decided that she needed a safe, place to keep her ring, that way she doesn't have to wear it to bed and scratch herself while sleeping.

I had pinned this photo from Saucy Pants a long time ago and every so often thought about, but did not find an opportunity to make such thing until now! The idea of keeping your special ring out on a special place is just perfect. So I decided to make this as part of her birthday gift!

I started by walking around Micheal's for about an hour searching for what type of frame I wanted to use. It had to be small, and I wanted to make it pretty. Just as I was about to leave I found this picture frame for cheap and with a 50% off coupon, this would make the ring holder the perfect little addition to her birthday gift!

I decided to make her sparkle (probably because I love glitter lately), so I cut some card stock into the picture frame dimensions and used mod podge (that stuff is amazing!) and glitter to make the background glitter! I think dipped the head of the pin into the mod podge, and then the glitter container to make it glittered as well! I probably should have changed the color, but didn't consider that earlier. Once the glitter was dry, I sealed it all with some more mod podge!

The next step was to pierce through the card stock and bend the pin so that it sticks out just enough to put the ring on it. I hot glued the pin on the back to the card stock to make sure it didn't move. Then when you put the frame back together, you have a fabulous ring holder! I left the glass in behind the ring holder as added support.

I love the look of it! I will probably want to make different versions of this for my friends as they get engaged or married!

Let me know if this inspires you and share pictures of how yours turned out!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day Four of the Selfless Challenge

This is the fourth day of the selfless challenge and so far it has been going well. I did modify it by alternating which question I asked him. (What can I do for you today? and How can I pray for you?It changes up how we begin the morning, and it allows him to think about something different from the day before.

From the start, I could see that Aaron loved the interest that I was taking in him by offering to pray for him. It transfers the focus on him and it keeps me focused on making sure I am praying for him or doing what he needs.

This brings me back to my last post about how we become selfish in relationships. This challenge causes you to serve your man. It helps you to be selfless and I know that I am not always the most selfless person. I like to have the world revolve around me at times, but that doesn't create a healthy relationship. So this challenge is definitely helping me be more selfless! I look forward on seeing how this challenge transforms me and our relationship.

- Jem

Friday, May 31, 2013

Be Selfless Not Selfish

If I can say anything I've learned over two and a half years of being in a committed relationship is that it is hard work. To keep any successful relationship, it takes time, patience, and a whole lot of effort.

Even if you truly love your man and you know he's the only one for you, it doesn't mean that you'll always be happy. It doesn't mean that even loving him will be easy. But despite the times when it doesn't feel easy, you shouldn't stop trying. It's when someone becomes selfish and stops trying that the relationship starts to flail.

Is there any reason to stop doing the things you first did when you met? What things did you do when you first started dating him that made him fall for you? And what things did you used to do that drove him crazy for you? I know this sounds so cliche, but it is so true! You can't stop doing what you used to do and then expect that your relationship will continue to grow and get better.

Those really amazing couples that have been together for what seems like eternity, didn't make it work by forgetting how they first loved each other. I am also sure that if you asked them if it was easy to always love each other, they would say no. Loving someone else isn't easy. Loving yourself is easy. It's easy to be selfish. It is very difficult to be selfless.

That is what I have always found to be the source or root of problems and issues in relationships. It becomes the problem of "he didn't do this for me," and "he never does that," when it should be "I don't do this enough for him," and "how can I help him do that?" We are such selfish human beings, but if we can't choose to be less selfish and sacrifice ourselves for our relationship, then we won't be in happy, successful relationships.

Don't become so selfish that you tear down a house because you got a hole in the wall. Repair that hole and make that spot stronger than before. You don't want to keep repairing the same hole over and over again either.

Let me end on this:
Dare to see how your relationships can grow if you choose to show love the same way you did when you first were dating, you put effort into your relationship, and you choose to be selfless. There are two questions that if you asked your man every day, your relationship could grow and become so much stronger. As June begins, take this challenge with me to ask your boyfriend, fiance, or husband these two questions every day and see if this can help transform your relationship.

1. What can I do for you today?
2. How can I pray for you?

(I pinned these questions a while back from To Love, Honor and Vacuum, but loved it looking back that I wanted to create this challenge.)

- Jem 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Welcome to the Twenties

It is a relief to say that I am twenty years old! It's a new decade for me! The excuse of being a teenager is no longer valid. I am a full fledged adult, and although I cannot legally drink alcohol for another year, I think being twenty is still something special. And I want to attempt to chronicle the many different aspects of my life as a twenty-year-old! 

This blog is to chronicle the craft projects that I chose to take on this summer. The weird little obsessions I have, especially with tea cups and tea pots. The joys and struggles of working with kids in a day camp setting, as well as I start student teaching this upcoming semester. To chronicle whatever may be my fancy for the day. I love almost all things cute, and because cute can range such a many of things, this blog has the opportunity to span over many different topics! I hope that this blog will be a way to express all the many different aspects of me as I begin a new time of my life. I hope you would enjoy this as much as I hope to! 

- Jem